In 1972, the women rehabilitation board was formed.
In 1974, the Women's Rehabilitation Board was upgraded to the Women's Rehabilitation and Welfare Foundation.
In 1984- Women Affairs Department was formed by integrating Bangladesh Women's Rehabilitation and Welfare Foundation, Women Affairs Cell and National Women's Development Academy.
In 1990, the women affairs director was promoted to women affairs department.
Major achievements of recent years (3 years):
To create a progressive society in this era of globalization, it is essential to create women's rights, empowerment and work-friendly environment. The Department of Women Affairs is working to establish women's rights and rights in the main stream of state and society. In the last 3 years, VGD has provided food assistance to 15 lakh poor women. Maternity allowance has been provided to about 3 lakh women. Lacketing allowance has been provided to 2 lakh 50 thousand working women. Micro loans of Rs. 165.33 million have been provided to 2,4824 women. 19 lakh women have been given training for self-employment. 3166 women have been provided legal aid and 945 parents and children have been provided shelter centers. 153 women, children and adolescents have been provided safe accommodation. Around 1400 working women have been provided safe accommodation through the working hostel. 2738 children were provided services through 43 day-care centers. The women who have overcome the adversity through "competition to win the competition" have been excited about women who have been established in various fields in the field of women, by selecting and awarding five women in 5 categories in every upazila. Assistance has been provided to build 245 women as entrepreneurs. To ensure self-reliance, 2720 sewing machines have been distributed among poor women. Employment of about 700 women has been provided to government and non-governmental organizations through employment investment information centers. About 40 thousand adolescents are being trained through 529 clubs to make skilled human resources through the development of teenage youth. Assistance has been provided to 323 people from the distressed women and child support funds. Various programs have been adopted according to National Action Plan-2013 for implementation of National Women Development Policy-2011.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS